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9:45 Sunday School
11:00 Worship Service (In-Person and Live Streamed)
Friendship Food Pantry
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A Word From Pastor Matt
“We walk by faith, not by sight.” - 2 Corinthians 5:7 (KJV)
Here it is March and as I look out my window at the tree across the street without any leaves, it looks dead. I sometimes feel like that tree especially when my prayers are not answered. My spiritual life seems dead to me. But later on, at the end of March, if I look closely at that tree again, I’m sure I will notice tiny buds poking out at the tips of the limbs. By the end of April and into May the trees will be covered with green leaves, ready to shade us from the summer sun.
When we don’t see evidence of God at work in our lives, we may begin to doubt God and to think nothing will ever change. In Genesis, God tells Abraham at least four times that he would give him and Sarah a son. Years go by, but the child hasn’t come. The last time God promises Abraham and Sarah a son, Sarah laughs because of the impossibility of the idea, especially at their ages. Despite their lack of faith, God reassures them: “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Gen. 18:14). Sure enough, at God’s appointed time Sarah gave birth to Isaac, and they got to witness God’s turning an impossibility into a reality.
That barren tree I look at every day reassures me that God can bring renewal to what may seem dead. If God takes care of the trees, surely God will take care of our concerns as well.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your promise that if we wait on you, we won’t be disappointed. Amen.
Pastor Matt