Food Donations:
Additional ways we give support through our pantry:
Working with the Chesterfield Food Bank on Ironbridge Road. You can also support the food bank through volunteering and monetary donations. Click here to learn more about them.
We support CCHASM (Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Alliance for Social Ministry) when they send us families to help with food assistance.
Lil’ Blessing Pantry - Our food pantry sits on church property and is located next to the community board. Anyone accessing the pantry by vehicle would park in the church parking lot and walk up to it. This pantry is for anyone in need during these difficult times. The idea of this pantry is to "Take what you need and Give what you can."What our Pantry is and how we’re working to help others
How You can Help
Continue to let us know when there is someone who needs help
Donate food (drop off boxes are located in the Sanctuary lobby and in the Fellowship Hall)
Donate money or gift cards
Volunteer to help when needed
PRAY for this ministry to be successful in helping others
Food Pantry
Whether our Church campus is closed or opened, our Food Pantry is always open to serve our Church family and surrounding community with food as needed. If anyone hears of a need, please call the church at 804-276-5803 during office hours or send an email to We will get back to you promptly.
Additional Ways We Give Support Though our Pantry:
Working with the Chesterfield Food Bank on Ironbridge Road. You can also support the food bank through volunteering and monetary donations. Click here for more details.
We support CCHASM (Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Alliance for Social Ministry) when they send families to us for food assistance.
Lil' Blessing Pantry - Our food pantry sits on church property and is located next the community board. Anyone accessing the pantry by vehicle would park in the church parking lot and walk up to it. This pantry is for anyone in need during these difficult times. The idea of this pantry is to "Take what you need and Give what you can."
How You Can Help:
- Continue to let us know when there is someone who needs help
- Donate food (drop off boxes are located in the Sanctuary lobby and in the Fellowship Hall.)
- Donate money or gift cards
- Volunteer to help when needed
- PRAY for this ministry to be successful in helping others
Forward any information and direct any questions to Doris Marshall at (804)304-8774, Karen Gruver at (804)615-8071, or the Church Office at (804)276-5803.
A Short Note from Doris and Karen:
Happy New Year! Another year has passed us by. We hope it has been a good year and that 2025 will be an even better year with lots of blessings for all. I know our FBC food pantry is blessed, and it is from all of your dedication to it through your generous donations of food and monetary donations all year long.
We have some good news - a big THANK YOU to the Stigall family who has graciously donated a refrigerator/freezer to our pantry. With this, we hope to be able to supply some perishable foods along with non-perishables we now give out to our community in need. We will have more information about this in the months ahead.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Do what you can and all you can do is enough!
Whether our Church campus is closed or open, our Food Pantry is always open! There is and continues to be a great demand for food distribution to those in need. We are always here to support our church family and surrounding community with food as needed. If anyone hears of a need, please call the church at (804)276-5803 during office hours or send an email to We will get back to you promptly.
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16