Join us each sunday at 10:30 for drive-in worship!
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to meet inside of our building, but each week we will be offering a drive-in service for those who wish to come out and worship from your car!
We will be offering one worship service at
10:30 am.
For those who are unable to come, the services will be live streamed on Facebook and on our website as usual.
What to Expect this Sunday
Worshipping Jesus is our number one priority and we are so excited to gather this Sunday, but with the current COVID-19 pandemic we wanted to give you an idea of what you can expect this Sunday:
Before you arrive…
Plan to Arrive EARLY! Our parking attendants will be in place and ready to assist you 30 minutes before the service begins.
Use the restroom!
If you are a member of Friendship or a regular attender, you will have an opportunity to bring your Tithes and Offerings! If this will be your first time at Friendship, we only ask for your presence! We will be taking up our normal offering. There will be a socially distant way in which you can give your offering this Sunday. As you leave the church campus, the driver will be able to roll down their window and one of our parking attendants will have a net on a pole that you will be able to place your offering in. As always, you can also give online/text-to-give (text “friendshiprva” to 77977).
Bring non-perishable food items for the food pantry! Whether it is one item or a bag full, plan to bring something that we can give away to help our community. You are not required to do this, but if you can, please do!
Upon Arrival…
Follow the parking attendant’s instructions! They will guide you to your spot and make sure that your remain socially distant from the cars around you (6 feet apart).
Place your bag of food right next to your car! Open your door (just this once!) to place your food pantry donation on the ground. One of our parking attendants will be by to pick it up.
Once You are parked…
Stay 6ft apart from everyone not in your immediate family! This is very important. With Phase One of Governor Northam’s reopening strategy now in place, you can sit outside of your car in a socially distant fashion. You can bring a lawn chair and sit outside of your car, but you/your family must be 6 ft apart from everyone else.
Wave to the people around you! Fellowship is something we are craving right now! Take advantage of it!
During the Worship Service…
Worship! This is the entire reason for gathering. We encourage you to sing loud, say “Amen!”, raise your hands, flash your lights, and praise Jesus our Savior.
At the conclusion of the service…
Wait for your parking attendant to give instructions! We want to make exiting the lot as smooth as possible. Do not attempt to leave before you have been given instructions.
Prepare to give your Tithes and Offerings! The driver will be allowed to roll down their window and place the offering in the net as you leave the parking lot.
Stick Around for Post-Service Prayer! - Each week we will be meeting after the service in a Socially-Distant way for a time of prayer for our world, our country, our state, and our church. Please plan to stick around!